The Austin Chronicle

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By Sarah Marloff, December 16, 2014, 1:10pm, Qmmunity

Now, it’s no secret that The Gay Place’s very own Kate Messer is a wealth of queer knowledge, Austin secrets, and writing advice. So it comes as no big shock that she’s been nominated for the AGLCC award “They’re Giving it Away,” an acknowledgement of all that Kate does out of the kindness of her big, gay heart.

OK. I’m biased – she has been my editor since I moved to Austin last August. But I can honestly say that very few people offer as much of themselves to Austin’s queer (and straight) community quite as freely (or as free-ly) as one Ms. Messer. Her Gay Place listings keep us queers active and updated, and the production of the AGLCC’s quarterly magazine, The Agenda, lies entirely upon Kate’s creative shoulders (full disclosure: I also write for The Agenda). Not to mention, as The Austin Chronicle’s intern director for about close to two decades, she’s mentored approximately one half of Austin’s QILTBAG writers. And remember that non-profit Holiday Wishlist found yearly in the Chronicle? Also Kate’s doing.

There’s more, but by now you get the picture. So vote for Kate. Winners will be announced this Thursday at Austin’s Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce 2014 Holiday Party (for which tickets are still available). AGLCC board members picked the nominees, but it’s up to all of us to pick the winners.

So what are doing next? Voting here. Today is Election Day, after all.

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