The Austin Chronicle

The AggreGAYtor: September 30

By David Estlund, September 30, 2014, 8:00am, Qmmunity

Sugarland jumps to the fore, Serbia shows pride against all odds, and Dallas gets the short end, as your AggreGAYtor joins the Booby Hatch.

The Good

A Sugarland trans man just won homecoming king.

Serbia Pride marched forward without a hitch, with a lot of help.

Lifting the gay blood ban could save millions of lives.

The Bad

Russia’s highest court has upheld its gay propaganda ban.

Dallas pensioners are being put on hold because of the Texas marriage ban.

Gay social apps like Grindr are being exploited for police oppression in conservative nations.

Three NYC men assaulted and shot a man in a dress for being a man in a dress.

The Fugly

Michele Bachmann kinda still thinks civil rights are boring.

No, God is not trying to give us all HIV.

It Came from the Tubes

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