The Austin Chronicle

Let's Take a Survey Together

By Sarah Marloff, October 29, 2013, 12:30pm, Qmmunity

Ever wish there were a cheat sheet to finding a decent queer-educated doctor-therapist-lawyer? Well, check this out: Local activists and UT social work students need your opinion to help create a city-wide resource guide to help trans* folk find qualified providers right here in ATX. Take this survey now.

In the hopes of making an "accessible and effective resource guide," a group of soon-to-be social workers have created a survey for local input. Here's where you can rate the services you've received. They want to know about your doctor, your OBGYN, support groups you have attended or currently attend, and even lawyers you've used. From your experiences, both negative and positive, they aim to create a recommendation guide. There's also some hope that the completed pamphlet will urge more service providers to improve the "sensitivity of their services for the trans* community," says Audrey Gabe, EngenderHealth worker and local community member working on the project.

If you fall along the transgender, genderqueer, or no-spectrum spectrum, this survey is for you. It's also for you if you are the parent, guardian, or caretaker of someone who fits the survey bill.

What started out as a class project will continue once the semester is over. Both Gabe and UT Gender and Sexuality Center Education Coordinator Shane Whalley are interested in seeing this guide through to fulfillment.

And hopefully these folks will break the academic wall and have a plan to utilize local media (hint! hint!) and send this out to us as soon as they have results. The Gay Place would love to partner with them to help expand their distribution scope.

Seriously, two minutes could change your life and the health of your community. At the very least, it might help you find adequate resources and the pros who know what they're doing. Cuz let's face it, we've all suffered from the totally preventable phenomenon of ignorant health care providers.

Take the survey here!

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