The Austin Chronicle

Frito Pie Surprise!

By Kate X Messer and Sarah Marloff, October 7, 2013, 5:40pm, Qmmunity

What would you do if you saw Wendy Davis eating a frito pie?

Naw, that's not the choice in a silly "Would You Rather?" scenario nor the opening line of some steamy lezbo erotica. It's the spot in which local bon vivant and Bon-Scott idolizer Katy Koonce found herself backstage at ACL.

The lead singer of Austin's Butch County and trans-identified psychotherapist donated to pal Patrice Pike's upcoming album The Calling and accepted the premium of an ACL VIP wristie for her trouble.

She knew she'd see stars, but had no idea she'd meet a bona fide she-ro.

"She made me more nervous than rock stars," said Koonce, no slouch when it comes to how-to-talk-to-rock-stars confidence. But there she was, Wendy Davis, the future guv and her bag of chili con corn chips, all a'cuddle with her snack, devouring that frito pie in the VIP Grove.

We're getting stoked to knock door-to-door just thinking about it (not to mention hungry). Lucky Koonce.

The scene, as one can imagine, was a mix of backstage too-cool and thunderstruck starstruck. Some folks who'd apparently missed the last few months of news coverage at the capitol altogether approached Austin celeb, ex-mayor Will Wynn for the skinny. Ol' Wynny couldn't help but bask in the limelight for a bit himself, as, according to Koonce, every time someone would ask who the attractive blonde "stranger" was in VIP, he'd pronounce, "That's my girlfriend!"

That's our ex-mayor! (We miss ya, hizzoner!)

After Koonce's missed connection with Sen. Davis on Saturday (and the subsequent tossing-and-turning night-guilt of not talking to her), the singer donned her Wendy goggles on Sunday and BAM! There she was again in the VIP lounge. With the urging of Koonce's friend Amy, the two went in for a picture with a freshly charged iPhone.

"She was just the nicest," says Koonce of the pair's convo with Davis. "She even remembered seeing Amy's [NSFW] anti-Rick Perry sign at the rally. It was one of her favorites." All was calm while the friends snapped some some pics. But Koonce thinks it was the calm before the storm.

"I can't imagine what she has ahead of her, but she seems tough." Koonce adds "There's something about her that's sexy – other than the fact that she's a bad-ass."

Koonce was tempted to sing for the filibustin' feminist. Davis – who announced Thursday that she will in fact be (running for) governor – was sadly not granted a serenade that Sunday afternoon. Koonce even had material picked out: a number that Koonce and friends Alex Barron and Heather Baade are currently writing. Yes, it's about Davis being a bad-ass.

While Koonce mulls the missed opportunity, she waxed on the art of photobombing: "We might have even taken a little video of us singing the song behind her."

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