The Austin Chronicle

Avec Moi Ce Soir?

By Kate X Messer, March 15, 2013, 7:30pm, Qmmunity

The work of Xavier Schipani has been popping up all across town this season like so many Craigslist glory hole ads.

This is not an official "review" per se of the magnificent work by local artist Xavier Schipani. This is a tease, a whetting, a wetting, a preview, a by-way-of-introduction, a who's-that-boy, an appreciation. A simple appreciation.

It's so freakin' weird. I'm here, sitting at the office, pulling this blog post together, when POOF! Rob's post about the Y'all or Nothin' show at Cheer Up's shows up in my inbox.

I'll leave the really deep and dirty art-cheology to my better, Andy Campbell, but for now will pull back the curtain on all of these gorgeous wood-cut-esque, tattoo-flashy, Tom o' Finlandy hard blacks and hard whites you've been seeing around town lately. It's Xavier.

The only thing I know about X is that he's a handsome butch I've seen at Eastside Showroom and Bernadatte's (Rest in Peace) and GF Alana has an incredible voice and terrific karaoke presence. Like I said, this is barely even a qualified introduction. I'm in SXSW hades, at the office, awaiting copy that may never come, so I just wanted to be productive and share with you, dear readers, the identity behind this stirring art. Oh, and supposedly, Xavier designed this year's GayBiGayGay volunteer crew T-shirt. Don't know about you, but I am now seriously regretting not being able to sign up. Obviously, click all the highlighted links herein. You will see more art.

Expect to see/hear/feel more. Much more.

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