The Austin Chronicle

Mo' Music: Jan 16

By Rob Cohen, January 16, 2013, 4:11pm, Qmmunity

There have been many welcome returns in music lately. Let's recap!

"Where Are We Now" David Bowie
The Thin White Duke surprises everyone with a new single on his 66th birthday. The first taste from his upcoming new album is an elegant and touching glam ballad and a welcome return to form.

"Judge, Jury, and Executioner" Atoms for Peace
This second single off the upcoming debut AMOK is another spooky click-clack track that doesn't stray too far from Thom's The Eraser. Still, the mix of the complex beats, acoustic guitar, and tangled-up singing make this a cut above at least half of the rest of that album in my ears.

"Fall Back" Factory Floor
This sparsely active British band can always be counted on for Krautrock bleeps and bloops with a sheen of Joy Division ice.

"Nuclear" Destiny's Child
Michelle Williams and whatever the other two are called return for a one-off single to be performed at the Super Bowl. It's not quite earth shattering, but the track is a smooth Nineties trip-hop throwback.

"Suit and Tie" Justin Timberlake
Don't let the awkward intro turn you off. Once you get past the old-white-dude-trying-to-sound-cool aspect you get to a sparkly, sexy love jam. Minus one for Jay-Z's pointless cameo.

"BBD" Azealia Banks
I know she's been going around using gay slurs, but if you're looking for flaming and gemstones, I'm not the guy. Banks shows you how bad bitches do it on this dark, grinding stereo shaker. She snares you in her trap, and traps you with her snares until you all you can do is just dance.

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