The Austin Chronicle

Sixth Annual GayBiGayGay

By Frank J. Rivera, March 18, 2011, 8:36pm, Qmmunity

Every year, after the last showcase of SXSW, the straights crawl into their beds and say, "Well, at least I can sleep this off before the next week."

Amateurs. We've still got on more shindig, and it's the queerest way to end Austin's wonder week.

Where: 3506 Rogge Ln.

When: Sunday, March 20. 1pm - midnight

What: Our favorite foreign and townie queermo luminaries perform for an eager crowd nursing killer hang-overs or still trying to find that elusive out-of-towner hook-up before SXSW ends.

Line-up as yet unreleased, but be sure to check the Facebook event page for details as the come.

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