The Austin Chronicle

Pandora Scooter: Live in Her Box... and Yours

By Kate X Messer, October 28, 2009, 4:10pm, Qmmunity

If you missed NYC/NJ perf artist Pandora Scooter at OutYouth or BookWoman this past week, much the pity. However, you still have one chance left to see her, and we highly recommend you do! And she is a not-just for the lezzies performer, as evidenced by her appearance on KOOP's Outcast where she charmed the pants off Heath & Stephen.

You can still catch her for one last night this Thursday, Oct. 29, 7:30pm in San Marcos at the Unitarian Universalist Wake the Dead Coffeehouse, 1432 RR12, Down in the town where the river and railroad run through it. 512/754-WAKE (9253).

Her speaking engagement last night at BookWoman left her (albeit) small audience feeling flush and giddy with the satisfaction of a good cig after… you know. Okay, maybe that was just me.

The self-proclaimed QueerMamaSapien fucks with words and labels and sewn-on-to-one's-bosom badges in such an engaging and straight-forward way, that she almost single handedly redeems what can often be an overwrought genre: The Spoken Word. Words from her piece "Match Me" (see below) sum up her relationship to audiences: "…fill in my blank with whatever makes you comfortable, with whatever makes me understandable, with whatever makes us compatible!"

Match Me


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