The Austin Chronicle

Day Without a Gay

By Andy Campbell, December 9, 2008, 11:54am, Qmmunity

Patterned after the 2006 Day Without an Immigrant protests, tomorrow's Day Without a Gay protest rally at City Hall (5:30-6:30 pm) will be one of many happening concurrently across the nation. Local sponsors include,, Atticus Circle, and the International Socialist Organization.

Suspend your holiday shopping, queers, because the idea is to call in "gay" to work (although you can call in lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex too!) and to suspend your participation in consumer culture for a good 24 hours. Instead, dedicate your time off to service, as tomorrow is International Human Rights day, too! Give blood! Oh wait... if you're a gay man who's had sex with another man since 1977 (I hope most of us, fellas) you can not give blood. Whoops. You don't have to be a queer to participate, allies are welcome. The more the merrier! As per usual, your Gay Place bloggers will be on hand to participate and document the experience. FOR YOU!

If you plan to attend the rally please bring a canned food item to go to Capital Area Food Bank.

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