The Austin Chronicle

Buy Curious

By Kate X Messer, December 5, 2008, 4:07pm, Qmmunity

Oh, the queers, we love to shop. Why not shop with heart?

We forgive Human Rights Campaign's many random silences and button-down limitations if but for this very useful index. It's a list of corporate responsibility ratings compiled by HRC with regards to Teh Gay.

It's their 2009 Buying for Equality buyer's guide.

Ratings in Buying for Equality are based on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's annual report card, the Corporate Equality Index. A record 260 businesses scored 100 percent on this year's report, which is a significant increase from the 195 businesses that earned a perfect score last year.

So local economies notwithstanding,

if you must chain it up this holiday season, at least know who's got our backs when handing them all them greenbacks.

It's easy, it's downloadable, it's fun.

To wit… On a scale of 1-100, with Ben Franklin (100) being YAY
and Uno (1) being BITCH, PLEASE, here's the lowdown:

Sears? 100
Target? 100
Walmart? 40

Best Buy? 100
Circuit City? 55

Albertson's? 100
HEB? 40

UPS? 100
FedEx? 55

Michelob? Jose Cuervo? Pepsi? Coke? 100
Jack Daniel's? Southern Comfort? 20

You get the idea. Download and print yours now before your weekend shopping orgy.

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