The Austin Chronicle

"YOU"????? Really?

By Kate X Messer, December 5, 2008, 2:27pm, Qmmunity

So, I came home last night, energized by the sneak-peek of GVS's powerful Milk at the Arbor. I sat at my desk to edit a few blog posts, warm with the glow of renewed gay vigor (really, go see this film) and realized that I could click on MSNBC to catch the rerun of the night's broadcast of my fave first-out-lesbian Rhodes Scholar and first-out-lesbian national news commentator and recurring Gay Place crush of the millenium, Rachel Maddow.

Maddow is broadcasting from Los Angeles instead of her home studio in NYC and has seemed a little off this week.

I can't figure out if she's A) suffering from some seriously bad Hollywood lighting, B) stuffed up and sick as a dog, or C) cranking too many poppers with the West Coast circuit boys… none of which explains her jarringly hostile sounding punchline at the end of the "Debunking the Prop 8 Voters" segment in last night's show.

The MSNBC clip is included below, and you'll have to forward all the way to the last minute (forward to the 4:00 mark).

The piece attempts to clarify the correlation between African-American Obama voters and voters for Prop 8, with the conclusion that the real proponents were Republicans, Evangelicals, and McCain supporters. I scratched my head at the purpose of this piece, as the initial outrage about the black voter block has died down, was addressed early on, and everyone pretty much knows who pushed the thing through. But her abrupt and self-denying conclusion: "You've got your work cut out for you, gay rights movement," was felt in this writer's gut.

"YOU"? You've got to be kidding me, Dr. Maddow. For all the insertions and assertions of your own personal politics, for all the refreshing clarity of your stance on issues, for all your damn demystifying and windmill tilting, your freaking writing staff couldn't come up with a more eloquent way to skirt around your objectivity-defying and undeniable (whether you like it or not) role as standard bearer (whether you like it or not) for the very movement you are chucking into second-person?

That, Dr. Maddow is the day's TRUE Holy Mackerel story.

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