The Austin Chronicle

aGLIFF Staff... We're Crushin' On YOU!

By Andy Campbell, September 7, 2008, 7:40pm, Qmmunity

I'm writing this before a long evening of movie-ing and party-ing courtesy of aGLIFF. The Gay Place Crush of the Week has to be the organizers, board and volunteers of aGLIFF. Chief among them are hottie-bo-botties David Sweeney (Executive Director), Lisa Kasalek (Program Director), Collin Acock (Development Director), Ajae Clearway (Festival Director), and the entire Board of Directors headed up by Alisa Weldon, as well as the rest of the staff and volunteers.

Almost every film I've seen in this lean, mean festival has been of high quality. It's time gay cinema challenged its viewers to do something else besides gaze like voyeurs (gayze?) through the scrim of flimsy plots and characters. Audiences don't want the hot gay/lesbian skin flick (ok, sometimes we want that), but rather, films and characters that reflect the depth of LGBTQ experiences. This is exactly what aGLIFF gave us this year - HURRAH! Let's hope future years are filled with festivals like this one!

Did we mention the aGLIFF staff are hottie-bo-botties? Oh, we did?

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