The Austin Chronicle

By Way of Introduction

By Steve Rivas, August 24, 2008, 12:35pm, Qmmunity


Hello everyone!

Kate asked that I provide a brief bio, so here goes:

I'm a disaster planning consultant (13 years), helping businesses prepare for and respond to emergencies. For this work, I have traveled throughout North America.

I have three younger brothers. (Yes, I'm the "gay big brother.")

Hispanic and raised Catholic and Republican.

From Midland/Odessa, Texas (the "armpit of Texas").

Live in Austin with my partner of two years, Sean.

I wouldn't refer to myself as either a political insider or outsider… However, I do tend to swim more in political circles than the Deep Eddy.

Not a lifelong Democrat. Was raised as a young Republican then later became a College Democrat.

Most recently, I worked as a volunteer training coordinator at the Hillary Campaign. Served as special assistant to the parliamentarian during the SD 14 County Convention. Elected as an at-large delegate to the Texas Democratic Party Convention in June. Elected as a National Delegate at about 3:14am on June 7.

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