The Austin Chronicle

Sheikh Yr Booty (or Beat It With a Beltbuckle)

By Kate X Messer, July 2, 2008, 2:20pm, Qmmunity

What else would the proud president of the United Arab Emirates Ice Hockey Association do when his totally innocent and totally not gay gesture of sending over a bottle of champagne at a bar to a man (who is not only not gay but not an alcohol drinker) was rebuffed?

Why, beat the man profusely about the head with his steel belt buckle, of course! The OTDL brother of United Arab Emirates president Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Sheikh Falah bin Zayed reportedly said during the attack, "No stupid American or Italian is going to tell me what to do!" Guess that includes "who" he is going to "do" as well.

The sheikh was found guilty "of causing bodily injury with the help of a dangerous object" by a Geneva criminal court. He has bin ordered to pay a fine of 10,000 Swiss francs. Does anyone else think it's funny that this shiekh is also the namesake of his country's Breeders Cup?

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