The Austin Chronicle

Exxing the Exes

By Kate X Messer, April 11, 2007, 9:27pm, Qmmunity

This month's Glamour (did I just "out" myself in some weird way? I swear, I only read it for the articles) features a piece about a woman recovering from a Christian gay recovery center. Ex-ex-gay recoverer Christine Bakke, 27, shares her story.

OK, first off, at 27, let's not be surprised if Madame XX doesn't go through a few more twists and turns on this religious roller-coaster ride. They probably never warned her about those pesky Saturn returns in Bible school.

The piece describes the ex-gay Xtian recovery center as being "located in a gorgeous, dramatic Gothic townhouse, with gargoyles on the roof and stunning interior woodwork … [did a gay man write this? And how are they expecting to cure her in a place patrolled by gargoyles?] … that Christine came to know intimately — as part of her volunteering in the ministry, she polished the old wooden banisters." Is it just me, or does that visual suggest some serious overcompensation?

Christine relates to what struggling Christian poster boy the Rev. Ted Haggard has been going through: "Part of me feels really sorry for him. He has no choices. He has to go along with all their stuff, or he loses everything. Even though I’ve never been publicly shamed, I know how vicious some Christian people can be."

Ooh, girl. You think the grass is pinker over here?

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