The Austin Chronicle

What the future holds..

, November 8, 2007, 11:55am,

Browsing through the 'my yahoo' page I scrolled down to find my horoscope. I never actually read them, and normally I would've scrolled right on down but todays' caught my eye:

There is a major turning point coming in your life, and it may be causing you some stress right now. Either you are impatient for its arrival, or nervous about what it will mean for you and the people you love. Today, help yourself out by taking a break from all the deliberations! Let go of worry and free yourself from making yet another list of pros and cons. You've been objective about things long enough. Instead, you should think with your heart.

Are you feeling the tension of the holidays coming on? Never mind Thanksgiving..there are plenty of Christmas reminders popping up. In my head, I'm already past the Trail of Lights 5K (have you already signed up yourself? You can just walk it you know), and in my Christmas holidays.

The last two weeks have been hectic and after having tried out about 20+ pairs of running shoes (buying a pair, taking it back, getting another pair, just brought it back and getting another pair), I hope to be training a bit more consistently. It's about time too since the 5K is only a few weeks away! I also need clarity of schedule. I am saying that because when I did walk/pace/run (take your pick), the cobwebs got cleared in my head and I had more clarity of purpose. The 'getting fit' part is just the means to an end. The end not just being fit, but helping my brain to think more clearly. I am really on the verge of committing to something important and something more important than myself in a way. I am not ready to share it with you yet, so I will hold off until at least next week when we have hopefully moved back into the house, and gotten unpacked. That, plus having walked/ran/paced the cobwebs out of my head. I'll be trolling for support. Not necessarily the voting kind either. I'll let you know.

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