The Austin Chronicle

City Council: All the Agenda That Fits

By Michael King, August 17, 2016, 9:00am, Newsdesk

At 94 items, Thursday’s City Council meeting agenda is about as lengthy as they come. It’s your chance to weigh in on the budget planning – public hearings begin in the early evening – along the way, the Mobility Bond is up for final approval, and plenty more on the to-do list.

Some items to watch:

Items 87-93: Seven related (and likely overlapping) public hearings on the proposed Fiscal Year 2017 budget, all set for a “time-certain” (no earlier than) 4pm – on the overall budget, the tentative property tax rate, utility rates, and so on. Information on signing up to speak is available here.

Item 23: Third and final reading of the proposed November 8 election ordinance. It includes five Council district elections (2, 4, 6, 7, and 10), and the election process, but the major aspect is the Mobility Bond proposition unanimously approved last week. Amendments may still be offered on the dais (public hearing closed), and city legal has been confirming the precise ballot language.

Item 94: Additional public hearing on a tentative “tenant relocation” program for renters displaced from their homes. Draft ordinance (if not postponed) could generate quite a bit of debate.

Item 21: Revision of the regs concerning involvement of lobbyists in municipal elections and the Fair Campaign Finance Fund.

Item 25: Extension and expansion of city’s contract with the Convention and Visitors Bureau for tourism promotion and related services.

Items 27-30: Concerning four programs administered by the Economic Development Department, targeted by District 6 Council Member Don Zimmerman for elimination, although his colleagues share little enthusiasm.

Item 82: A resolution to initiate another stakeholder-and-ordinance process concerning the density bonus programs, e.g., tighter requirements for onsite affordability vs. “fee-in-lieu” payments.

Item 81: Council’s “Concept Menu” of budget amendments is again posted for potential discussion and action, if they’ve begun to winnow the list in Wednesday's work session. Considering the lengthy agenda, it might get kicked to the curb again.

For more on City Council, follow the Daily News and this week's print edition.

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