The Austin Chronicle

Capitol Rally at Noon Monday

By Amy Smith, June 30, 2013, 3:04pm, Newsdesk

Opposing sides of the abortion debate are each planning noon rallies on the south steps of the state Capitol on Monday. What could possibly go wrong?

Riding the momentum of last week's historic defeat of Senate Bill 5, pro-choice organizers, led by Planned Parenthood and NARAL, are staging a rally to kick off the second special session of the Legislature, scheduled to gavel in at 2pm. And thanks to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst blaming the bill's defeat on an "unruly mob using Occupy Wall Street tactics," a near-dormant Occupy Austin group is now fully awake and grateful for the shot in the arm. They'll be there, too.

Anti-abortion troops, who had only a small presence in the first special session's abortion fight, have shaken off their complacency with a vow to make a powerful showing at the Capitol as well. The Texas Alliance for Life and the Texas Catholic Conference are urging their supporters to be there by 10am. They'll be the ones wearing blue – the color the state Democratic Party hopes to eventually turn Texas if they can gain additional mileage out of Round Two.

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