The Austin Chronicle

News Ticker: May 3

By Brandon Watson, May 3, 2013, 4:30pm, Newsdesk

Ted Cruz gets his feelings hurt, Greg Abbott fires off, and C3 Presents sees room for improvement. Rejuvenation is on the News Ticker.

President Obama will be coming to Austin next Thursday. May 9, for an event focused on the economy.

• We were hoping that Open Austin's Bike Buddy program would match bicyclists with adorable furry mascots, but their version is probably a lot more practical.

• Rep. Mark Strama is interested in more rock, less talk.

• We always knew those old Pace Picante ads would backfire. Now New York Rep. Pete King is taking revenge on Ted Cruz.

• Texas politicians are all over the National Rifle Association's Houston convention. There, Cruz pontificated on how he will never be General Patton. The only interesting thing he said was the word "ginormous."

• Meanwhile, Greg Abbott participated in the NRA's new youth and minority outreach program. The first meeting was not much of a success.

• Back at the Capitol, a bill to strip funds from school districts that provide domestic partner benefits slipped out of the House Public Education Committee.

• Despite local outlet's admirably straightforward reporting on the recently found improvised explosive device, CNN found a way to up the drama. We didn't know we should be frightened.

Auditorium Shores could be closed for up to a year for turf improvements. The work was funded by a $3.5 million investment from promoters C3 Presents, who notably do not book the park's major festival Fun Fun Fun Fest.

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