The Austin Chronicle

Early City Vote Mixed

By Michael King, November 6, 2012, 8:06pm, Newsdesk

The Travis County early vote mostly reflects support for the City of Austin Charter changes and bond propositions -- as well as the Central Health Prop. 1 (tax ratification for med school etc.) And right now it looks like 10-1 districting, at 59%, will win big. Other early results are mixed.

Prop. 4 (8-2-1) is at 50.1% (moot if Prop. 3 maintains that lead), Prop. 6 (Council hire city attorney) is also borderline and Prop. 8 (30-day extension on fundraising) losing big, at 69% against. Props 10 & 11 (the civil service rights for city employees and EMS) are also leading, 10 at 58% and 11 at 69%.

All the bonds are leading easily, except Prop 15, the affordable housing bonds, down 51-48. Since city voters have traditionally supported the housing bonds, that may mean (1) some growing tax resistance, (2) a more conservative early vote, (3) or both.

Reports of heavy voting in heavy Dem precincts today could alter some of those numbers, but we'll see. See all early results here.

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