The Austin Chronicle

TDH: 4/26/11

By Wells Dunbar, April 26, 2011, 11:29am, Newsdesk

Between their Tuesday morning work sessions and additional get-together going over the city budget, this week's just one big City Council meeting. That said, the main event is this Thursday; below the fold, see where the Holly power plant decommission, digi-cams for cop cars and and a whole mess of legal fees sit on the agenda.

Highlights from City Council's April 28 agenda:

Item 3: Returning after a recent postponement, an item expanding Austin Energy's lease at their Barton Springs building, $12.4 million for 72 months.

Item 11: The controversial Holly Street Power Plant demolition contract. TRC Environmental is, once again, the staff recommendation, bidding $11.5 million in a rebooted contracting round, well below their intial bid of $24.9 million.

Items 13, 14: Creating the a public/private partnership with the Waller Creek Conservancy to help finance and manage projects resulting from the creek's tunnel construction.

Items 16, 17: A whole mess of legal fees in the city's various open meetings lawsuits: $110,000 to defend the city and council from the Austin Bulldog, and several amendments to ongoing contracts with outside legal counsel.

Items 18, 19: Funding digital cameras in police cruisers, at a cost of $11.9 million.

Items 39, 40: The first item gives Texas Disposal Systems up to 40% of the city's recyclables, should they agree to a contract. The latter gives up to 100% to competitor Balcones Resources, which they may receive if TDS can't reach an agreement; if TDS agrees, then Balcones is expected to take 60%.

Item 43: New regulations for pedicabs, largely laying out operating boundaries and requiring insurance.

Item 47: From lead sponsor Chris Riley, an item amending conflicts of interest, seemingly standardizing rules for city officials serving on the boards of nonprofits, and better defining nepotism guidelines.

Item 48: Having the City Manager prep that omnibus charter election.

Item 49: Lee Leffingwell proposes the Night of the Bat returns.

Item 51: Lead sponsor Randi Shade “requests fundraising recommendations” to create a African American Youth Resource Center.

Item 56: The morning's briefing is on changes to the city's Historic Preservation Program.

Items 62-64: The world's briefest zoning agenda.

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