The Austin Chronicle

Newsgeist: 2/9/11

By Eric Pickhartz, February 9, 2011, 9:07am, Newsdesk

Today's edition of the Newsgeist is riddled with stories on stalled Korean talks, the Tea Party, and the State of the State of Texas. Read more for the links.

-Governor Good Hair gave his State of the State Address yesterday, and mainly focused on plans for budget recovery.

-Speaking of budgets and finances, Austin-area school superintendents are earning disproportionate salaries compared to their economic situation.

-The Patriot Act extension failed in the House, marking the first significant effect the Tea Party has had on Congressional voting.

-Military talks in Korea have stalled, causing a setback that could be drastic.

-Science fiction is reality; a new robotic arm controlled by a computer chip in the brain is being tested by the FDA.

-Good old Facebook is moving their headquarters to accommodate expansion.

-And finally, Taco Bell is responding to a lawsuit claiming misled taco meat claims with, you guessed it, free tacos!

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