The Austin Chronicle

AISD, ACC Final Results

By Richard Whittaker, June 12, 2010, 9:02pm, Newsdesk

Finals results for both ACC and AISD elections, with all precincts reporting

ACC Trustee Place 5
Vic Villarreal 54.85% (5,163)
David Reiter 45.15% (4,250)
Turnout: 11,003 (1.69%)

AISD At-Large Position 9
Tamala Barksdale 54.54% (5,128)
Julie Cowan 45.46% (4,275)
Turnout: 9,459 (2.52%)

9.10pm: That's good news for Villarreal, who now leads by six points, and an extraordinary comeback for Barksdale, who was trailing by one percentage point on early voting to leading by seven. However, the unanswered question now is which precincts have reported: Did the Cowan voter base burn out on early voting, or is there any volatility left in the field?

9.15pm: Seems not. As the election has gone on, both Barksdale and Villarreal have upped their share of the vote. Unless those last 29 ballot boxes are in precincts populated by a couple of thousand of Cowan's closest relatives, the AISD race has seen a massive swing between early voting and election day.

9.36pm: Final result for AISD sees a slight return by Cowan, but Barksdale finishes the day with a comfortable nine point lead. Villarreal has seen his lead drop by one point, but with over three-quarter of precincts reporting he's probably at least eying the victory champagne.

10.22pm: Final results for Villarreal give him the victory.

Now there is bound to be a lot of attention on turnout: ACC dropped from 12,214 in the first round (a 10% drop.) 8,962 voters turned out on May 8 in the AISD election, so this actually means more people turned out for the run-off than for the actual election. Both Cowan and Barksdale added votes (973 to 1,493) so Barksdale actually opened up her lead from the first round. If the May 8 election had been between just the two of them, and voters for the other candidates had stayed home, Barksdale would have won 52% to 48%.

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