The Austin Chronicle

Time to Find a New Monitor

By Jordan Smith, June 3, 2010, 9:29am, Newsdesk

With his ballot-box win in the spring primary, and with no opponent in the November general, it looks like Cliff Brown will be headed to the county's felony bench in January. And that means the city will have to start looking for a new police monitor.

The city said June 2 that it will kick off its search for a new monitor next Wednesday, June 9, at Carver Museum and Cultural Center Auditorium (1165 Angelina Street). The city will actually hold two public sessions that day, one from 3-5p and the second from 6-8p. The city asks that you RSVP for the event by calling Yolanda Valdez at 512/974-3306.

Brown is the city's third monitor since the city and Austin Police Association adopted civilian oversight in 2001. Whether the city will be looking inside for the next head of the office – perhaps at the current assistant monitor, Renita Sanders? – or will be more interested in bringing in someone from the outside remains to be seen. At next week's hearings the city will be asking for the public's "input" of the "desired characteristics, knowledge, experience and expectations" for the city's next monitor.

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