The Austin Chronicle

OMG, They're Still There

By Lee Nichols, March 11, 2009, 6:26am, Newsdesk

Seriously. I went home, got some (not enough) sleep, got up and turned on cable access channel 22, and the Senate "committee of whole" is still going, hearing expert testimony on the voter ID bill.

I assume this will wipe out the Senate for getting much work done later today. All this effort to fix a voter impersonation "problem" that does not exist. And how many other truly crucial issues – education, the TYC problem, the economy – aren't being dealt with?

Good job, Republicans. You've really got your priorities straight.

UPDATE: 6:49am – they just finished the invited testimony. Now they're supposedly going to hear the public testimony, although I can't imagine there's many people left in the gallery.

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