The Austin Chronicle

Committees on the Calendar

By Richard Whittaker, January 26, 2009, 6:30am, Newsdesk

Nothing happens in the Texas House of Representatives without it going through committee first. In the last two sessions, former speaker Rep. Tom Craddick, R-Midland, made his committee appointments in the last week of January, but the smart money is on Speaker Joe Straus giving the established order of things a good shake-up. His staff confirmed that he's working towards a Feb. 1 announcement, while other well-placed sources say that Straus wants the right decisions, not just quick ones.

But that hasn't stopped Rep. Rob Eissler, R-The Woodlands, putting out this press release at close of business on Friday.

[It] is unknown whether I will remain in my position as Chairman of the Public Education Committee. I have very much enjoyed this responsibility, and hope to be selected again. Once committees have been announced, I will inform all of you, as my constituents, as soon as possible.
Cautious pitch for his old seat, or does Eisler know something no-one else does?

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