The Austin Chronicle

House Update

By Richard Whittaker, November 5, 2008, 12:26am, Newsdesk

With the House looking like it might be heading for a weird and exact balance of 75-75, there's different moods at the two ends of the Driskill. Over in the Cattle Baron Suite, Donna Howard's conclusive victory is leaving her time to look over the winners in other seats, and consider the House structure for next session.

Over in the LBJ suite, the mood was more somber. Valinda Bolton was waiting for results and the campaign was on virtual lockdown. Then the numbers broke and it became clear that she'd kept HD-47 and it was all smiles as her win confirms the Dems kept every Travis County House seat.

Meanwhile, up in Round Rock's HD-52, Diana Maldonado has just made her victory speech.

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