The Austin Chronicle

Goodbye Johnston, Hello ?

By Richard Whittaker, June 19, 2008, 3:04pm, Newsdesk

With the Texas Education Agency officially accepting Austin ISD's proposal for what to do with the recently closed Johnston High School site, the district is moving fast on educating people what the repurposing means. There will be a series of public meetings (dates and places TBA) to explain the new Early College and New Tech High School that will share the campus with the existing International High School.

But first things first: The site needs a new name. As the first piece of public outreach, AISD is looking for suggestions for a new name for the campus.

Three rules from the district:

Facilities may be named for individuals, places such as landmarks or neighborhoods, or other reason as determined by the Board.
The name must not already be used by another Austin District school or facility.
If named for an individual, the following shall apply: The individual may be living or dead; The individual must be recognized by the general public and widely respected; The individual must embody exemplary qualities that can serve as a model of excellence.
It's a quick process: submissions are being taken until July 20, because the campus re-opens August 25. Visit the AISD website for more info.

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