The Austin Chronicle

Paul Ends Campaign

By Richard Whittaker, June 13, 2008, 2:12pm, Newsdesk

Like the last dentist caving on that whole Trident thing, the final Republican presidential also-ran has accepted that John McCain got the nod. Last night, Rep. Ron Paul finally brought his r-evol-ution to an end by officially announcing the closure of his presidential candidacy. No, seriously, he still hadn't withdrawn before that. He said that he was ending his campaign so he could concentrate on "long-term efforts to take back our country."

Meanwhile, from the Christian Conservative collection of ex-presidential hopefuls, Mike Huckabee will be joining Karl Rove as a political commentator for (hey, here's a surprise) Fox News. Wonder if they'll mention his Republican-boosting Huck PAC (either in a disclaimer or "contribute here" kind of way)?

No word yet on what Alan Keyes is doing.

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