The Austin Chronicle

Have Your People Tweet My People, Luke

By Kimberly Reeves, May 28, 2008, 6:22am, Newsdesk

Dealing with online social networking is like a bad blind date. You’re never quite sure what you’ll get.

For the uninitiated, Twitter is the place to be in the world of social networking right now. (Except when it's down, and you have no place at all to be. That's been happening a lot lately.) Every few minutes, ADHD-driven technogeeks gleefully inform you of their every thought and move, all in a 140-character limited haiku format.

And guess what! There are some bonus benefits from this headlong rush into this self-indulgent navel-gazing. For instance, it does appear that someone who has named himself Luke Wilson is carrying on a Twitter account.

Do we really think Luke Wilson's publicist suggested he Twitter? Do we think he’d list a Wikipedia entry as his bio? Does it matter? Imagining is half the fun. (And if you're interested in a real-live Twitter celeb, stripper-turned-screenwriter Diablo Cody has her own account and appears to talk a lot about lingerie and sushi. I'm not including Cody's picture because I'm not that interested in running into her at Club DeVille.)

If you are above all the social pandering but still want to try out Twitter for its educational value, the Mars Phoenix lander has its own account, with real-live updates.

In the meantime, if you are signed up on Twitter, they’ve created an All-Austin-All-The-Time Twitter channel at Aus Twits. They call themselves “Tweeple.” Yep, it’s like a cult. Or the next big thing after MySpace, soon to be replaced by the next tech trend.

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