The Austin Chronicle

Navigating to City Web Meetings

By Richard Whittaker, January 23, 2008, 12:04pm, Newsdesk

The massive but sometimes cumbersome City of Austin website is up for a redesign, as part of the Austin Government Online initiative (snappily nicknamed Austin GO). The initial round of Web surveys is over, so now it's back to the oh-so-primitive public meetings, with six scheduled between Jan. 29 and Feb. 25 at various locations around town.

May Chronic suggest that next time the city wants to discuss the future of online government, they do it via the Internet? In fact, how's about doing away with the next round of council elections by just counting candidates' MySpace friends? And wouldn't the city manager search have been a lot easier if it had been done via a quick death-match on Unreal Tournament III. Or maybe playing SimCity.

But, seriously, check below the fold for dates and locations.

Jan. 29, 6pm, Austin City Hall, Council Chambers

Feb. 4, 7pm, George Washington Carver Museum, 1161 Angelina

Feb. 7, 7pm, J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Commons Center, 10100 Burnet

Feb. 12, 7pm, Ruiz Branch Library. 1600 Grove Blvd.

Feb. 21, 7pm, ACC Pinnacle Campus, Room 1013, 7748 U.S. 290 West

Feb. 25, 7pm, LCRA Headquarters, Hancock Building, Board Room, 3700 Lake Austin Blvd.

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