The Austin Chronicle

Countdown to City Manager Finals

By Wells Dunbar, January 9, 2008, 8:55am, Newsdesk

Here's the timeline for the City Council's city manager interviews today, all undertaken family-style in executive session. The mayor's office (yes, we're still on speaking terms) tells us, "Candidates will make 20-minute PowerPoint presentation then answer questions."

9am: Michael Brown
9:45am: JeLynne Burley
10:30am: Wayne Cauthen
11:15am: Rick Cole
Noon: Lunch
1:30pm: Rudy Garza
2:15pm: Laura Huffman
3pm: Marc Ott
3:45pm: Council Discussion

As you can see, Garza's got the post-lunch shift, tasked with keeping council from slipping into a collective food coma. (Just joking Rudy, we're sure you'll TCB.)

Following the 3:45pm talk, council should announce its finalists; the buzz has them announcing two or three contenders. Then it's on to final interviews Wednesday, Jan. 16, with the city manager announced at council's regular meeting the next day.

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