The Austin Chronicle

Low Crime at Halloween

By Richard Whittaker, November 1, 2007, 4:45pm, Newsdesk

While Halloween is supposed to be the night when ghouls and evil spirits run riot, turns out it's actually a pretty peaceable affair: at least on Sixth Street.

At last night's annual parade of costumed revelers down the city's main drinking thoroughfare, the Austin Police Department wasn't able to keep track of total numbers beyond "lots." However, they reported only 11 arrests, all for misdemeanors: eight public intoxication, two disorderly conduct, and (in a "how do you do that when the street's blocked off to traffic?" moment of criminal genius) one pedestrian in the road way. Two suspects then added evading arrest charges on top of that (although considering how thick the crowd was, where they thought they could get to was anyone's guess.)

To put that into context: between August and the end of October, on an average Friday night, APD would normally arrest 24 people on a Friday night, and 25 on a Saturday.

As for the event, Chronic can report a surfeit of Jack Sparrow look-a-likes as the major theme for the evening, although the evening's thunder was undoubtedly stolen by the massive zombie flash mob/marching band.

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