The Austin Chronicle

Watts Goes, Dems Respond

By Richard Whittaker, October 23, 2007, 2:59pm, Newsdesk

The exit of Mikal Watts this morning from the Democratic primary race to take on U.S. Sen. John Cornyn ended like so many failed political campaigns: with a concession phone call to the opponent. In this case, Rep. Rick Noriega, D-Houston has issued a statement saying he got a call from Watts telling him he was stepping aside.

It was a gracious note that Noriega struck, saying that whatever divides they had between them, Watts and he had both always kept their eyes on the real target, Cornyn. Later, Texas Democratic Party Chair Boyd Richie put in a few quick digs at the incumbent wile lauding the exiting candidate, saying he had raised "a number of important issues on behalf of the vast majority of Texans who would be better served by a Senator who works for us rather than the special interests."

But buried deep in Noriega's text was an interesting statement: "Mikal and I made plans to sit down together in the next couple of weeks." Does this mean the impressive Watts war chest may become part of the Noriega battle plan?

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