The Austin Chronicle

The New APD Execs (or, Art and Debbie, Sitting in a Tree)

By Wells Dunbar, August 2, 2007, 12:11pm, Newsdesk

A press release from the Austin Police Department Public Information Office announces new APD Chief Art Acevedo has announced his "executive team;" their duties include "oversight responsibilities of day-to-day operations at APD, as well as carry out the policies set by the Chief." Without further adieu, they are Asst. Chief David Carter, Asst. Chief Leo Enriquez, Commander Sam Holt, Commander Al Eells, and Commander Patti Robinson.

The ACLU's Cen-Tex chapter is attempting to procure the officers' use-of-force records. Just recently, their Debbie Russell sent out this press release:

Acevedo Putting Money Where His Mouth Is

The Central TX Civil Liberties Union is already anticipating positive results within APD. Now it's just a matter of what, how well and who.

At the onset of the selection process, Acevedo's outreach to the local ACLU chapter earned big marks. Now that he's been sworn in, he continues his stated commitment to community involvement via not only the long hours he's obviously putting in and his high level of public accessibility, but more importantly through regular outreach and updates to key community groups. This serves to instill confidence that we'll see at least some degree of long-awaited reform.

Time will tell if significant reforms pan out, but the chief is already reporting that he is intent on making improvements in both training and accountability (via a disciplinary matrix); a balanced approached - one long overdue. So far, he seems to be a man of his word.

We're still a bit dizzy from the concept!

Will the romance continue? Below the fold, the APD's executive team biographies.

From the Austin Police Department's Public Information Office:

Chief Acevedo announces APD executive team

Police Chief Art Acevedo formally announced the members of his executive team with the Austin Police Department.

The executive team members will assist Acevedo with oversight responsibilities of day-to-day operations at APD, as well as carry out the policies set by the Chief. Acevedo’s executive team members include:

Asst. Chief David Carter - Carter will serve as Acevedo’s Chief of Staff. He has 24 years of law enforcement experience, including command and leadership positions. He has developed and implemented both strategic and tactical plans at various organizations and unit levels.

Asst. Chief Leo Enriquez - Enriquez has more than 15 years of experience with the Austin Police Department. His law enforcement experience includes serving as a Robbery and Theft Unit detective for the Criminal Investigations Bureau and Sergeant over the Drug Abuse Resistance Program (D.A.R.E.) and Gang Unit. Enriquez has also served as Lieutenant and Commander for the Northwest Area Command.

Commander Sam Holt - Holt has more than 28 years of experience with the Austin Police Department. For the past three and half years he has served as the Commander for the Northwest Area Command and been in supervisory leadership roles since 1994. Holt also serves as Chair of the City of Austin’s African American Quality of Life Commission.

Commander Al Eells - Eells has more than 14 years of experience with the Austin Police Department, including D.A.R.E officer, Homicide Detective and Lieutenant. He currently serves as the Chairman for the Austin Police Department Equipment Committee and Special Response Team Commander.

Commander Patti Robinson – Currently serving as Commander of the Central East Area Command, Robinson has more than 20 years of experience with law enforcement with APD. Previous assignments have included Highway Enforcement Commander overseeing traffic enforcement on the city’s major arteries.

Acevedo serves as the City’s eighth Police Chief. APD employs approximately 2,000 uniform and civilian personnel and has a current budget of more than $183 million.

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