The Austin Chronicle

Local Round-Up: Novus Annus Edition

By Wells Dunbar, January 3, 2007, 8:30am, Newsdesk

In case you missed 'em...

RV 'village' stands out in tony Austin: This 'offbeat news' dispatch from the AP details the Airstream Shangri-La that is Pecan Grove RV park. (For those keeping track, Shady Grove's slated for condo development, not Pecan Grove.) Title is a great measure of how much we've changed: 'tony' Austin?

No food, no toilets, no gate for travelers: Over the weekend, some American Airlines passengers were kept on the tarmac for over eight hours. Too bad they couldn't deplane and check out Bergstrom's Austin Chronicle store. Yeah!

Counterpoint to 'Red-Light' Traffic Cameras: Naked Intersections: An interesting, big picture look at traffic and road design from local blog Political Suicide.

Univ. Texas Rethinks Confederate Statues: UT convening panel to decide the statues' fate.

Austin Skyline in Lego: Local tech consortium creates Lego kit of the city. Real or plastic blocks, I don't know which one's changing quicker.

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