The Austin Chronicle

09/09/01 – Never Forget

By Wells Dunbar, November 6, 2006, 11:35am, Newsdesk

We almost missed this gem over the weekend, wherein Rick Perry accused Chris Bell of living in a "post-September 9th world."

Having flexed his quiz show acumen during last month's debate, we were prepared for Bell to elucidate upon the historical import of this grave day, but – wow. From a press release:

"As to the knowledge of the events of September 9th, Bell has a good grasp on the date's historical significance. Of course, September 9th was the birthday of famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy in 1828. No one could forget September 9th, 1973--the day that Terry Anne Meeuwsen of Wisconsin was crowned as the 45th Miss America." (Yet coincidentally, the release notes, "on September 9, 2003, Rick Perry proclaimed a special session in order to discuss redistricting. If we were not in a post-September 9th world, Chris Bell would still be in Congress.")

Well, if things don't work out Tuesday, we've got a plan for Mr. Bell.

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