The Austin Chronicle

PBS in Central Texas

By Lee Nichols, November 3, 2006, 9:37pm, Newsdesk

I just watched the coverage of the Texas Congressional District 31 race on PBS's NOW, and it was quite impressive. A great example of how journalism with a viewpoint (make no mistake – any program founded by Bill Moyers is gonna be liberal) can still be evenhanded and not manipulative (see my complaints about HBO's Hacking Democracy).

I actually found myself wondering if Democrat Mary Beth Harrell could pull off the impossible and defeat incumbent John Carter in this very conservative, very pro-military district. Maria Hinojosa interviewed a few conservatives who decided to switch parties, at least for this race; I wonder how many more are out there. I personally know at least two people in that district who fall into that description. But I'll try not to get my hopes up; I'll just be satisfied if the Dems win overall.

NOW actually came away from Central Texas with more material than they could fit into their 30-minute show; they also filmed small, Internet-only profiles on John Courage, the anti-war Democrat (and military vet) who is challenging Lamar Smith in Disrict 21, and Van Taylor, the pro-war Republican (and Iraq vet) who is challenging conservative Democrat Chet Edwards in District 17. View that additional footage here.

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