The Austin Chronicle

Best Campaign Slogan Ever

By Lee Nichols, October 25, 2006, 8:51am, Newsdesk

Or at least for this election: "Vote Twice for Bob Smither"

No, the Friendswood Libertarian doesn't want you to break the law. It's just that Congressional District 22 in the south Houston area has a weird circumstance – the seat is on the ballot twice. Because disgraced former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay resigned the seat earlier this year, a special election is on the ballot to fill out the remainder of his unexpired term – the winner would serve from the date of election until the term ends in January. Dist. 22 is also on the general election ballot – the winner of that election will serve the normal two-year term of 2007-09. Smither is the only candidate on the ballot in both elections. (Democrat Nick Lampson, who is favored to win the general election because there is no Republican on the ballot, is not entered in the special election.)

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