The Austin Chronicle

Odd Duck’s Bryce Gilmore Has a Foodie Almanac for You

By Wayne Alan Brenner, February 19, 2020, 1:30pm, On the Range

Of course, one could just as easily say “Barley Swine’s Bryce Gilmore” or “Sour Duck Market’s Bryce Gilmore” or even “that talented kid of Jack Allen’s Kitchen’s Jack Gilmore.” But the thing is called The Odd Duck Almanac, after all, so that’s what we’re going with here.


The thing? It’s part farmer’s almanac, part community zine, and part cookbook. It’s an annual compilation, published by Austin's fiercely independent Cattywampus Press, documenting and celebrating the creativity of the folks involved with Gilmore’s three excellent eateries. And here comes the first issue.

“We debut this annual publishing initiative,” the authors tell us, “with our Mother issue, quite literally – containing recipes and stories about yeast, fermentation, and cultivation in the kitchen.”

[Note: Quick, somebody tell that serial fermenter Jeremy Bruch.]

Authors, did we say? Yes: The acclaimed Gilmore wrote this inaugural publication with freelance culinary journalist Veronica Meewes – whose name you may recognize from a wide array of Chronicle articles, if not from her bylines in Food & Wine, Texas Monthly, the Forbes Travel Guide, and more. And now the two of them will be presenting and discussing The Odd Duck Almanac at BookPeople – this Saturday afternoon (Feb. 22) at 2pm.

We bet you can get both of the authors to sign a copy for you there, citizen. But, odd ducks or not, we wager further that you can’t get them to sign a copy using a fountain pen loaded with coffee. (Still, if you do? That thing with the coffee-filled pen? Let us know – and we’ll want to see a photo, please.)

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