The Austin Chronicle

Whole Foods Market’s Free Six-Course Italian Dinner

By Wayne Alan Brenner, February 12, 2020, 3:30pm, On the Range

No, seriously, it’s free: An entire six-course family-style meal, curated and guided by Whole Foods Market culinary experts and suppliers of Italian imports, provided to the lucky crowd – first come, first served! – who reserve a spot via this link for the one-night-only (Thursday, Feb. 20th, 7pm) event.

Note: You can make a reservation starting at 11am on Thursday, Feb. 13.

This dinner will include an array of authentic Italian courses; paired wines, prosecco, and espresso for each course; and – attention, cheese lovers! – a Parmigiano Reggiano wheel-cracking demo, with samplings from that wheel.

Yeah, no, these Whole Foods guys aren’t, ah, they’re not just playing Sicilian tiddlywinks here – capisce? This is a sufficiently big deal, we think, that it bears repeating: You can make a reservation starting at 11am on Thursday, Feb. 13. And you might want to wait with your finger hovering over that link until then, right?

On the other hand, even those who miss out on this one-night extravagance won’t miss out entirely. Because, listen:

“The intimate dinners are just one part of Whole Foods Market’s upcoming multi-sensory celebration of all things Italy. For two weeks beginning February 12, customers can revel in the retailer’s unparalleled selection of authentic Italian ingredients and specialty items – all of which meet industry-leadinf quality standards – with storewide promotions on specialties such as Mitica Parmigiano Reggiano, Bertagni fresh pasta, made-in-house Italian sausage, and more.”

Because this two-week foodie festival, like those mythic turtles that make up the entire universe, it’s Italians all the way down. All the way down, that is, to what you can prepare at home with the wealth of ingredients that’ll be available for your hungry perusal at Whole Foods Market.

We daresay: Salud!

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