The Austin Chronicle

March Against Monsanto

By Anna Toon, May 24, 2013, 8:00pm, On the Range

Saturday morning local activists and community members will protest GMO giant Monsanto. As part of an international campaign, March Against Monsanto will host over 400 events in 45 countries all set to take place on May 25.

The much despised biotech company sparked furor in March with the passage of the so-called Monsanto Protection Act, a provision in House Resolution 933 allowing the U.S Department of Agriculture to override judicial rulings and grant temporary permits for conventional farmers to plant and grow genetically modified crops while pending review.

Organized by the Austin Center for Peace and Justice with the intent to educate and inform Texans about the threat to farmers and the food supply, the family-friendly event will celebrate local organic growers and farmers market vendors.

In true Austin fashion, the march will be led by the Jericho Marching Brass Band, featuring Ryan Gould and Oliver Steck. Costumes are encouraged! The march will begin at 9:45am at Brush Square Park and will head to the South Steps of the Texas State Capitol. If attendees are unable to make the march, meeting at the Capitol is encouraged.

Sat., May 25, 9:30am-noon. Brush Square Park, 409 E. Fifth. 512/745-7033.

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