The Austin Chronicle

All Signs Point to Clearview

By Kate X Messer, January 20, 2008, 7:51pm, Chronique

Hmmph. And all this last roadtrip I thought I just didn't need new glasses.

Come to find, the sudden clarity on the road is the result of a decade's worth of fontastic highway sign design courtesy of Don Meeker and James Montalbano, designers of the Clearview font, adopted as the official U.S. highway font.

And if you think we're nerds for noticing things like which areas have made the change and which have not, check these geeks who are keeping score.

Wonder if the turnoff just east of ABIA, on Hwy 71 E. to Hwy 304 has a sign that actually says "Clearview" in Clearview? It is, after all, the turn one would take should one wish to go to Clearview… TX.

I know of at least two nerds who will be anxiously awaiting an update. I'll get right on it.

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