The Austin Chronicle

Austin’s Double Dose of Hot Sweet Ink

By Wayne Alan Brenner, October 13, 2015, 10:30am, All Over Creation

Those fierce Raw Paw people and their boundless talents and energy. The unceasing culturistas of Pastelegram and those curatorial things they do.

See both of them come again to fruition in this one-two punch of local publication. Witness Raw Paw’s newest print anthology – an object of many textures and colors and rich beauty, the vehicle for contents exploring what it means to be extraterrestrially alien – at their release party tonight at 7pm at Malvern Books. Then, on Wednesday at 7pm at The Vortex, revel in the fomenting (and booty-shaking tunes) at Pastelegram’s shindig for the fifth paper-based issue of their own investigation of what it means to make works of art.

Someone somewhere tells you that print is dead?
That’s a person who needs to, we’d suggest, get a life.

You know better, Austinite: Because you check out these epicenters of action and thought and mafficking for yourself. And, later, you walk away with a smile. With ink-stained hands. With a deeper knowledge of the creative communities in this place where we live.

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