The Austin Chronicle

You: Part of Hammer History

By Wayne Alan Brenner, November 2, 2011, 1:39pm, All Over Creation

By all that's percussive, holy shit,
here comes what's definitely going to be
The Longest Hammer Choir in Texas.

Some gonzo named Andy Rihn
has been busting his own chops
on a daily basis to make this thing happen,
and he's having it filmed and has arranged
for a Rhodes keyboardist to wail the psychedelic work song
that all those hammerers will be hammering out the beat of.

Now some hundreds of your fellow Austinites
(and Bastropians and Elginistas and Lockhartons and so on)
are gathering in the wilds of East Austin, all decked out in
their best denim duds to knock this thing into the history books.

And you could be among them, banging – we said banging – away.

Hell, Rihn and his crew will even provide the hammer –
which you get to keep when the hurlyburly's done.

When? Where? How?
Saturday, November 12, noon. And – oh, c'mon, didn't you already follow this link?

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