The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, June 28, 2024, Columns

Walter Matthau was a radioman-gunner in the 453rd Bombardment Group in World War II. Jimmy Stewart was the group’s operations officer.

Otters in Singapore have adapted well to urban landscapes.

It’s a wine preservative and flavoring! No, it’s a varnish! Scientists believe resin from Pistacia trees discovered in amphorae from a shipwreck off the coast of southwest Turkey was used for both in the Bronze Age.

According to, white accounts for 27.6% of all new cars sold in 2023. If you include white, black, gray, and silver, they add up to 80%.

On April 30, 1961, the late Willie Mays became one of only 18 players in Major League Baseball history to hit four home runs in a single game. His San Francisco Giants faced the Milwaukee Braves in Milwaukee, and won 14-4.

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