The Austin Chronicle

Qmmunity: Serving Real Realness

AI art has no place in the queer community, plus queer Austin updates

By James Scott, March 1, 2024, Columns

You may be shocked to hear this, but I use artificial intelligence. To be specific, I use a software called Otter AI to automatically transcribe the majority of my interview audio. Honestly, the AI is just okay at its job: When I factor in the time it takes for me to re-listen and edit the transcription copy the machine made, I use maybe 10-15 minutes less than when I did the whole process manually. That’s 10 more minutes dedicated to writing about gay stuff around Austin, but also ... well ... AI stumbles quite a bit when it comes to nuance. I mean, I’ve never seen the AI actually write out the word “dildo” when my interviewee actually says it. Otter interprets queer language as nonsense phrases: Dildo becomes “stilt go,” fag and queer become “Fagin Boyer,” and Cheer Up Charlies becomes “chair of Charlie’s.”

That to me is the overall issue with trying to use artificial intelligence for art. While it’s an alright replacement for tedious tasks like transcription, a human being obviously does a way better job, because they draw out nuances in speech that a machine can’t. Even more so when creating words, pictures, or even the dreaded “social media content.” AI gets trained to be as sanitized as possible – perfect as a tool of mainstream commercialization. You ask ChatGPT a sex question and it counters with the tech equivalent of “Sorry, my mom says we can’t hang out anymore.” The utilization of AI in LGBTQ spaces, like event flyers, album art, or the oft-threatened AI generated movies, de-queers whatever is eventually produced by these machines. If AI can’t say fag, it can’t be allowed to take the place of hard-working fag artists who deserve the creative space more than any machine.

But, I ramble. Maybe it’s because South by Southwest approaches with its waves upon waves of artificial intelligence conferences, but my frustration with the AI conversation just keeps growing. There’s plenty of useful applications of this technology, many of which have been in use for years already. But as a replacement for creative expression, there’s just no real argument for AI that holds up. Rather than end on a low note, let me know who your favorite IRL human queer artists are. Let’s hold up our community the way it deserves, instead of feeding their hard work into the Skynet sludgery.

In Other News

Queerbomb is fundraising for this year’s celebrations! To help the June 2024 march and party dedicated to the DIY 2SLGBTQIA+ spirit, head on over to their GoFundMe. Their goal is $10,000. Can’t spare the dimes? I get it; I work in local news, baby, so I rarely have spare dimes. Queerbomb also needs volunteers, which is a free but fulfilling way to help out your local queer org. Plus, you might get to hold the big Queerbomb banner...

Sign-ups for Local Queer ATX’s summer-camp social Queer Camp open this Friday, March 1. From May 17-19, you’ll be able to hang out with all yer friends under the stars. Personally, I yearn for the days of Girl Scout camp once the weather warms, but for various reasons – I’m no longer a Girl or a Scout – an all-queer camping trip sounds a lot nicer. Just pack sunscreen, girly-pop. Texas summers are scorchers.

Dragtivity Day

Saturday 2, Cheer Up Charlies

Brigitte Bandit hosts this all-ages family fun day featuring drag story times with artists like OnlineKyne, Lady Shug, Vylette Ward, La Dede Camacho, and Cholula Lemon, plus much more.

Queer & Trans Clothing Swap

Saturday 2, Vivent Health

The Q Austin teams up with Off the Q-munity Rack clothing swap. Bring your gently used duds to Vivent ahead of the event or day-of, and find your new fresh fit. Obvi: free STI/HIV testing available.

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