The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, February 16, 2024, Columns

The term “atmospheric river” was first coined in 1994.

In the 30th year of their reign and every three years thereafter, pharaohs would have to run a footrace in their palaces’ courtyard to prove their worth.

If you’re broke in the U.S. you’re broke. But if you’re broke in the UK, you’re skint, a slang term that means “broke” adopted in the mid-1920s from the past participle of “skinned.”

King Henry IV, who became king of France in 1589, was a regular at La Tour d’Argent restaurant. While there, he inaugurated the use of the fork, a little-known utensil in France at the time.

There are many different forms of sign language, all of which have unique gestures and phrases. A notable dialect in the U.S. is Black American Sign Language: The first school for the Deaf in the U.S. opened in 1817, but didn’t admit Black Deaf students until 1869, so they developed their own.

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