The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, April 15, 2022, Columns

The cartoon character George Jetson, the father in the show The Jetsons, was born August 22, 2022. The show was set 100 years in the future when the show first aired in 1962 and George was described as being 40 years old.

In 18th century England, a pineapple was worth $8,000 in today's money.

In July 2021, Illinois became the first state where police could not use deception when interrogating people younger than age 18.

Socrates mentored Plato. Plato mentored Aristotle. Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great.

No country in the world meets the World Health Organization's air quality standards that were set in September 2021. Less than 3.5% of cities meet the standards, and almost 100 cities have pollution levels that are 10 times higher than the standards.

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