The Austin Chronicle

Mr. Smarty Pants Knows

By Mr. Smarty Pants, November 19, 2021, Columns

The Earth has a second moon called Kamo'oalewa. It measures 164 feet across.

In Australia and Great Britain, the preferred term for a Speedo is "budgy smuggler" (also spelled "budgie smuggler").

Before the Salem witch trials, about 80 people were accused of practicing witchcraft throughout New England from 1647 to 1663. The trials, which took place 1692-93, culminated in the executions of 20 people. Five others died in jail before they were executed.

The bald cypress in Central Texas does not produce the cypress' usual woody "knees," whose function is unknown. They're thought to help balance the tree on soft, muddy soils.

Data analysis by Outforia shows that Texas recorded 520 human deaths caused by animals from 1999 to 2019. That works out to 26 deaths each year!

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